Things that make me go… Hmmmmmm
I noticed the other day (not sure why it took me so long) but I thought it strange that the Muslims are the only religion that has to keep telling us that they are “The Religion of Peace”. I don’t know of any other religion running around trying to convince us that they are peaceful. The Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Mormons or those really wild Amish don’t need to convince anyone that they are peaceful. They all walk the walk. Islam on the other hand walks the walk of death and destruction. We are peaceful and if you don’t accept that then I will cut off your head to prove it! I know that last sentence sounds silly, but it is true. Just look at the Muslims – they riot over the cartoons of Mo, and they riot in France, they have suicide bombers and who can forget the Beslan school massacre (wait that was Chechnya rebels, but wait again the Chechnya rebels are MUSLIMS).
The web site Religion of Peace does an outstanding job of tracking and following all the death and carnage that the Muslims have been doing since 9/11. The wonderful “Religion of Peace” is just a few innocent victims away from the 10,000 mark. YES, 10,000 innocent men, women and children all killed for Islam.
Doesn’t seem very peaceful now does it?
Here are some other nice quotes and news items from the “Religion of Peace”.
Surah 19:88-93 denies God has a Son; 3:59 denies Jesus was God; 4:157 says Jesus was not crucified; 4:171 says there is no atonement for sin in Jesus. Surah 2:106 says the teachings in the Quran can be changed any time! (Such a deal!) Info for other readers: Be aware that the Quran denies freedom of religion (Surah 4:89); denies Freedom of speech (Surah 9:12); denies the freedom to question Islam (Surah 5:102); denies women's rights (Surah 4:34) and denies racial equality (Surah 3:106-
Allah has a thing for hell. One hundred and nine of the one hundred and fourteen surahs in the Qur’an speak of punishment. Over ninety-five percent.
Qur’an 98, Allah says, ‘Surely the unbelievers among the People of the Book (the Bible) will abide in the hell fire. They are the worst of creatures.’"
Muhammad says it this way in Hadith, number 224, ‘The booty has been made lawful for me, yet it was not lawful to anyone before me.’ In the same passage, he also claimed, ‘The earth has been made for me.’
"Hadith 1732, or Qur’an 9:30, take your pick. ‘The Jews will be called. They will say they worshiped Ezra,’ of all people, ‘the son of Allah. It will be said, "You are liars"...whereupon they will be gathered into the Hell Fire destroying each other. Afterwards the Christians will be called. They will say, "We worshiped Jesus, the son of Allah." It will be said, "You are liars, for Allah has never taken anyone as a wife or a son"...and they will be thrown into the Hell Fire with the Jews.’"
Surah 8:60 - ‘Prepare against the infidels whatever weapons you can muster, that you may strike terror into the enemies of Allah.’"
These hate filled teachings and quotes go on and on throughout the Qur’an
Here are some nice things to know about the Muslim Student Union. This is the education that they receive in college. Sounds a lot like the educational TV that you see from the Middle East where the kid’s shows teach hate.
The Muslim Student Union: Where “Community,” “Prayer,” and Jew-Hatred Come Together
By John Perazzo | 11/14/2007
What the Muslim Student Union does not mention in its literature, however, is that its members commonly wear green armbands during the events it sponsors, to signal their allegiance to the terrorist group Hamas
In the spring of 2004, MSU and the Society of Arab Students (SAS) co-sponsored their fourth annual “Zionism Awareness Week,” during which both groups again wore green armbands to signal their support for Hamas.
In June 2004, MSU asked UCI’s graduating Muslim students to wear green sashes inscribed with the word “shahada,” the Arabic word for the “martyrdom” of a suicide bomber, to their graduation ceremony. Two dozen students complied with this MSU request.
Abdel Malik-Ali was the featured speaker at an October 5, 2006 MSU event, where he told a crowd of some 200 cheering students: “They [Jews] think they are superman, but we, the Muslims, are kryptonite. They [Jews] know that their days are numbered.”
Most recently, MSU invited Yvonne Ridley, a reporter and activist for Iranian PRESS-TV to speak at UC Irvine on November 12, 2007. In the wake of a British anti-terror raid against a Muslim house in June 2006, Ridley told a Respect Party gathering that Muslims should “boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form.” “From today until this terrorization of the Muslim community is stopped immediately,” she elaborated, “I believe all Muslims should withdraw their support. This goes from asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer. We should enforce non-co-operation.”
The police in LA came up with the idea of mapping out the Muslim areas within the county. They wanted to try and track the areas that the Muslims live in, look for areas that may be or become radicalized and to reach out and help the Muslims work closer with the police in other ways. Sounds fair to me, but of course after a lot of crying and throwing around the words “racial profiling” it was shelved.
LOS ANGELES (AP) 11/14/07- A police plan to map out Muslim communities, a proposal that civil rights groups sharply criticized as racial and religious profiling, has been shelved, a police spokeswoman said Wednesday.
The Muslims are having an increasingly hard time in America trying to convince us that they are the Religion of Peace. Americans aren’t all stupid. We see and hear what is going on in the UK. We see and hear about the riots in France. We see and hear about the innocent people all over the world being killed in the name of Islam.
Yet the Muslims just don’t seem to get it. Why do we doubt them? Why are we so reluctant to trust them?
Hmmmmmmm let me think about this for a minute. Hate TV in the middle East for kids, hate speeches and protests on college campuses, threats to kill the people that draw cartoon about Mo, 10,000 people killed by Muslims world wide, well over 60 incidents in the US (see our map list) countless lawsuits for any injustice that they “feel” has been done to them, dry runs on commercial airlines, threats to politicians, Sharia law, genital mutilation, stonings, hangings … you get the picture.
I have also noticed one thing missing from the Muslims that the Christians do (and they are supposed to have the same God?). I see countless soup kitchens, clothing stores, handouts and food banks from the Christian churches to help the community. I see prayer meetings for communities, I see the Christians reaching out to help by donating money, adopting kids in foreign countries and missionaries working all over the world.
I fail to see any Muslims or Mosques doing anything to help anyone but themselves. Seems a little one sided to me, but then again that might be because of their teachings from the holy Qua’rn… Qur'an defines "Infidels" in the 5th surah. "They are surely Infidels who say Christ, the Messiah is God." (5:72)
Qur'an 5:51 "O believers, do not hold Jews and Christians as your allies. They are allies of one another; and anyone who makes them his friends is one of them." Qur'an 2:10 "As for those who deny Islam...they shall be the faggots for the Fire of Hell."
Thank You
Parting shot…(from the Prophet of Doom, Thanks) "Don't you suppose that the Chechen Muslims who laid siege to the Moscow Theater shared something with those who bombed the Bali nightclub and the Kenyan hotel? Don't you think there might be a connection between the sniper Muhammad and the prophet Muhammad? Could the suicide bombers in Israel have the same spiritual leader as the suicide bombers of 9/11? Why have Islamic terrorists in Iraq killed more Americans than the Republican Guard? Where do you suppose these Muslim militants get their marching orders? Might al-Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Taliban be following the same prophet?"
President Trump of the 30 (and a Couple) Days
21 hours ago